

Version: 1.2.2

Binary Clock with BCD and True Binary Modes for BlackBerry® Smartphones Model 8000+

Included in the Free Trial:
  • Pure Binary Mode
  • Bit Value Indication Labels
  • 12hr(AM/PM) and 24hr(Military) Modes
  • Option to keep Backlight on
Additional Features with Purchase:
  • Binary Coded Decimal Mode
  • Individual Color Selection for each time unit
  • Option to Override the internal OEM Clock
  • Menu Item in OEM Clock to switch to the binaryClock
  • Home Screen Icon displays the time (HH:MM) in binary
  • binaryClock Watermark will disappear after 3 seconds


HUD for the Storm™ and Storm 2™

Version: 1.1.0

Locate and Run any app on your BlackBerry® Storm™ or Storm 2™ with 1 or 2 clicks.

  • Easy To Use and Efficient User Interface
  • Letter Bar for One-Handed Entry
  • Filters As You Input
  • Hide/Show specific apps
  • Rename the label of specific apps
  • Prioritize your Favorite apps to the top
  • Locate Any App in 1 or 2 clicks
  • Lightweight
  • Transparent Overlay User Interface
  • Multiple Color Schemes To Choose From
  • Customizable Fonts


shaqBerry: Inspired by the Tonight Show

shaqBerry: The Shaq dialer from the 11/13/2009 episode of the Tonight Show



Couple Freebies

Watching Me:  "That's the money you could be saving with Geico."

OTA:  http://phrehnck.com/stuff/WatchingMe.asp


OTA:  http://phrehnck.com/stuff/Hypnotoad.asp

EvilMonkey:  "There's an evil monkey in my closet."

OTA:  http://phrehnck.com/stuff/EvilMonkey.asp

Placebo:  Faux Option>Status screen with desirable stats=)

OTA:  http://phrehnck.com/stuff/Placebo.asp

WrapItUp:  The "Wrap-It-Up" box from the Dave Chapelle show.

All of the useless apps mentioned above require a BlackBerry® with OS 4.3 or above.

tonePad for the Storm™:  Lowers your IQ

psychoKnife for the Storm™:  EE EEE EE EE DUN DUN DUN DUN

OTA:  http://phrehnck.com/stuff/psychoKnife.asp


Revolver for the Storm

Version: 1.0

Virtual revolver that can be used to play Russian Roulette.
-Swipe up or down on the cylinder to spin it.
-Click the screen to load bullets. Touch, not click, each chamber to insert or remove bullets. Click anywhere on the screen again to return to the gun.
-Swipe right or flick the phone up, like the shotgun app, to fire. 

  • -Load any amount of virtual bullets in any order.
  • -Spinnable cylinder to randomize the active chamber
  • -Revolver can be fired by flicking the phone back, swiping right on the trigger, or press any of the hardware convenience keys
  • -Yes, sounds works in .75
  • -Free updates
Price: $2.99


acceloDex for the Storm

Version:  1.6.4

Accelerated Scrolling for your contact list. Quickly navigate through your contact list with a new take on the contact list.

  • Accelerated Contact List Scrolling
  • Accelerated Swipe Scrolling (Apply inertia to scrolling by swiping up or down at different rates)
  • Accelerometer Based Tilt Scrolling in Landscape Mode
  • Letter Bar allows you to jump to the names beginning with the letter of your choice for quick navigation
  • Phone Vibrates when the upcoming contacts start with a new letter
  • Pre-recorded voice will read out the new letter index as your scrolling (Volume 0 by default)
  • Contact Photos displayed in both the Contact List and Contact Screen
  • Contact Screen Simplified for Quick Calling, E-Mailing, and texting(SMS).
  • Addresses are displayed on top of the Contact Screen for easy viewing.
  • Filter/Categories Support
  • Multiple E-Mail Support (Swipe left/right)
  • In-App Resorting
  • Color Inversion toggle
  • Switch between Calling or Texting(SMS) by simply Swiping left or right on the target number
  • Ability to copy the Contact's Address or Target Number to the clipboard
  • Easily dismiss the Contact Screen by Swiping Down or Pressing the Back key
  • Customize the look of the interface by selecting your favorite font
  • Set the list to loop/wrap
Free trial available (All functionality available except invoking the dialer, SMS, E-Mail)

Price:   $4.99



metroNome [0.1]

Use the Touch Screen or Trackball to control the BPM/Tone



shotGun [0.3] for the Storm

Tug the phone back, then forward like your pumping a shotgun.

Then raise the phone to fire.



magicBerry [1.0]

Magic 8-Ball App for the Storm

Ask it a question then shake it. Then wait for the answer octogon to slowly appear as the bubbles fade away. 

Price: $3.00



NuckChorris [1.0]

Random Nuck Chorris Fact generator...


stormFu [1.0]

Accelerometer generates "hit" sounds.
Pressing the screen plays a random quote.
Volume keys control volume.
BB menu key toggles vibrate.

Price:  $3.00


stormSaber [1.0]

Lightsaber app for the Storm.

Price:  $3.50


Generates random tones and changes the screen color using numbers from the accelerometer.

**Works only on 9500, 9520, 9530


logMaid [0.4]

Every hour, this app will wait until your phone is idle(Backlight off) then execute the following tasks:

1. Clear the EventLog
2. Invoke the built-in Memory Cleaner
3. Kick start the Java™ Garbage Collector
4. Log an event letting you know the log has been cleared

This application runs in the background and started upon startup. There is no icon for this app. 

**Works on any Blackberry model from 8100 to 9530.